Five Months Later
Druid has turned the corner!
November 2003
Three major things changed at one time for Druid. I treated him for ulcers. I started using oils and energy work, and the front of his hooves fell off. I am not sure if only one change would have helped him or if it was the combination. I will never know, but thank goodness it worked. The month of November was very good for Druid. He continued to do well from this point forward.

From July until this day, Druid had stayed in my barnyard and never strayed more than a few feet. This day he not only left the barnyard, he scared me to death. I couldn't find him any where. He had meandered into the woods and was contentedly hanging out. I cried from relief and joy! Druid had turned the corner!
Return to the beginning of Druid's story.
Druid's feet one month later.
The second and third month of care.
Four months after sole penetration, Druid is struggling.
Five months into his care, Druid finally turns the corner.
X-rays taken at six months show huge improvements in Druid's feet.
Seven months later, Druid has gotten comfortable on soft surfaces.
The eighth month is when Druid's hooves really started to change.
Nine months later, Druid goes home.
In ten months, we ride Druid!
Eleven months plus, Druid has a new career.
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